"The TRIO Educational Opportunity Centers (EOC) program is a federally funded grant program sponsored by Highland Community College. The TRIO EOC program is supported by three staff members; Director, Sam Zumdahl, and College Access Specialists, Jennifer Smith-Norman and Kirk Cabana.
The EOC team assists high school juniors and seniors, as well as adults, to navigate the admissions and financial aid processes necessary to attend the vocational, 2-year, or 4-year program of their choice. They support project participants by helping facilitate the process of getting started in higher education by providing a wide array of services based on the identified participant need. All services provided to participants are FREE.
This program targets low-income and first-generation individuals interested in pursuing higher education, but with a portion of the funds they are able to serve anyone who has not obtained a bachelor’s degree."
The TRIO/Project Succeed office is located on the first floor of the Marvin-Burt Liberal Arts Center.
EOC website:
EOC application form:
EOC dependent income form (we need from parents to verify income):