Careers in Business Jan/Feb Article
Careers In Business (CIB)
Feb 2025
In January, we’ve been learning Excel, about the banking industry, and learning how to invest for the purpose of playing the Stock Market Game which ends mid-April. The Stock Market Game explored types of companies, stocks, reading a stock quote, risk, and what metrics to use when doing stock analysis. It’s early and the teams are doing very well with one in the top 50. Sometimes the students are thrilled and other times they are completely exasperated with their portfolio’s performance. It’s a fun and worthwhile learning lesson for all of them.
After learning about banking, checking, and savings account, and everything related to it, the students will volunteer at the Mall of Life late February. It involves helping 7th grade area students navigate check writing, balancing their checkbook registers, and making life choices in general based on circumstances and financial constraints. It is a worthwhile event for both the younger students as well as CIB students.
A special ‘Thank you’ to the CIB II students who have been helping update all of the “stores”, banking, careers, and salary information for the Mall of Life. They’ve made quick work of it and we appreciate the help!
As the 3rd quarter winds down in March, most of the CIB II students will have completed their internship hours, and are continuing to work while putting the finishing touches on their portfolio. Additionally, they will work on the PowerPoint presentation they are giving to their respective mentor and the CIB I students at the end of April. It’s a great chance for the CIB I juniors who are taking the class next year to learn what options and opportunities they have to look forward to.
GOOD LUCK to the Freeport (Cooper Hathaway) and Pecatonica (Brody Black, Jaxon Diedrich, Jordan Gassman, and Cooper Hoffman) boys basketball teams as regular play comes to a close next month and regionals start